Basic Programs

If Else Programs

While loop Programs

For loop Programs

List Programs

Dict Programs

Python Programming Examples

In this page contains examples of all topics in Python. A list of python programs are given below which are working on all platforms.

Python Basic Programs

  1. Python Program to Add Two Numbers With User Input
  2. Python Program to calculate simple interest
  3. Python Program to Swap two Numbers
  4. Python Program to Calculate power of a number
  5. Python Program to Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person.
  6. Python Program to Calculate Area Of Circle
  7. Python program to print the calendar of a given month and year
  8. Python program to get the ASCII value of a character
  9. Python program to get a character from the ASCII value.
  10. Python Program to Generate a Random Number.

Python if else(Conditional Statement) Programs

  1. Python Program To check if a Person's age is eligible for voting
  2. Python Program To Find largest numbers of 2 numbers
  3. Python Program To Find largest numbers of 3 numbers
  4. Python Program to Check Whether a Student is Pass or Fail
  5. Python Program to Calculate the Grade of a Student
  6. Python Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
  7. Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even
  8. Python Program To Check If a Given Number is Amstrong number or Not
  9. Check Python Program to Find if a Character is a Vowel or a Consonant
  10. Python Program to Check Given Year is Leap Year or Not

Python While Loop (loop Statement) Programs

  1. Python Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers Using While Loop
  2. Python Program to Print Sum of all Even Numbers from Given Range using While Loop
  3. Python Program to Print all Armstrong Numbers between 100 to 999 using While Loop
  4. Python Program to Check given Number is Prime or Not
  5. Python Program to Count Number of digits in given Number using While Loop
  6. Python Program to Find Sum of digits from given Number using while Loop
  7. Python Program to Reverse a Number in given n Digit Number using while Loop
  8. Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary using While Loop
  9. Python Program to Print a Multiplication Table using While Loop
  10. Python Program to all Perfect Numbers in Given Range using While Loop

Python For Loop Programs

  1. Python Program to Print a Multiplication Table using For Loop
  2. Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number using For Loop
  3. Python Program to Find Fibbonaci series using For Loop
  4. Python Program to Check if a String is Palindrome or Not using For Loop
  5. Python Progrm to Find the Sum of all Numbers from 1 to a Given Number using For Loop
  6. Python Program to Print a Diamond Star Pattern using For Loop
  7. Python Program to Print a Hollow Square Star Pattern using For Loop
  8. Python Program to Print Star Pattern in M Shape
  9. Python program to print the Cube of all numbers from 1 to a given number
  10. Python program to Accept the Word from User and Reverse It

Python List Programs

  1. Python Program to Print List Elements in Different Methods
  2. Python Program to Find the Length of a List
  3. Python Program to find Smallest Number in a List
  4. Python Program to find Smallest Number in a List
  5. Python Program to Count Odd and Even Numbers in a Given List
  6. Python Program to Print all Positive Numbers in a List
  7. Python Program to Remove Duplicates from a List
  8. Python Program to Find the Difference Between Two Lists
  9. Python Program to Create three lists of numbers, their squares and cubes in a given range.
  10. Python Program to Multiply numbers in the List
