Python Thread()
Python's threading module provides a high-level interface for creating and working with threads, enabling you to perform multiple tasks concurrently. Threads are especially useful for I/O-bound tasks like reading files, network operations, or interacting with databases
What is a Thread ?
A thread is a lightweight, smallest unit of a process that can be scheduled to run. Multiple threads within a process share the same memory space, allowing efficient communication but also requiring synchronization to avoid conflicts.
import threading def print_numbers(): for i in range(10): print(f"Number: {i}") def print_alphabets(): for i in range(65,76): print(f"Alphabet : "+chr(i)) # Create a thread thread1 = threading.Thread(target=print_numbers) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=print_alphabets) # Start the thread thread1.start() thread2.start() # Wait for the thread to complete thread2.join() thread2.join() print("Main thread complete")
Number: 0 Number: 1 Alphabet: A Number: 2 Alphabet: B Number: 3 Alphabet: C Number: 4 Alphabet: D Number: 5 Alphabet: E Number: 6 Alphabet: F Number: 7 Alphabet: G Number: 8 Alphabet: H Number: 9 Alphabet: I Alphabet: J Alphabet: K Number: 9 Main thread complete
1) Using threading.Thread with args and kwargs
The args parameter is a tuple containing the arguments to be passed to the target function. it is common to pass arguments to the thread's target function. Python's threading module provides several ways to achieved.
The Thread class allows you to pass arguments to the target function via the args and kwargs parameters.
import threading def greet(name): print(f"Hello, {name}!") thread = threading.Thread(target=greet, args=("Kumar",)) thread.start() thread.join()# Wait for the thread to complete thread.join() print("Main thread complete")
Hello , Kumar !
import threading def print_numbers(name, count): for i in range(count): print(f"{name}: {i}") # Pass arguments as a dictionary thread = threading.Thread(target=print_numbers, kwargs={"name": "Subject", "count": 5}) thread.start() thread.join() print("Main thread complete")
Subject: 0 Subject: 1 Subject: 2 Subject: 3 Subject: 4
2) Using a class to define a thread behavior
A subclass threading.Thread to define a custom thread class that accepts arguments during initialization.
import threading class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, count): super().__init__() = name self.count = count def run(self): for i in range(self.count): print(f"{}: {i}") # Create and start a custom thread thread = MyThread(name="CustomThread", count=5) thread.start() thread.join()
CustomThread: 0 CustomThread: 1 CustomThread: 2 CustomThread: 3 CustomThread: 4