HTML Lists
HTML lists are used to present list of information to group a set of related items in lists. All lists must contain one or more list elements.
- Unordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in no particular order.
- Ordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in a specific order.
- Description list — Used to create a list of terms and their descriptions.
HTML Unordered Lists
An unordered list created using the <ul> element, and each list item starts with the <li> element.The list items in unordered lists are marked with bullets.
Values | Description |
type="disc" | List item bullet (default) |
type="square" | List item square |
type="circle" | List item circle |
type="none" | No list item |
<ul type="square"> <li>First Item</li> <li>Second Item</li> <li>Third Item</li> </ul>Try it Yourself
- First Item
- Second Item
- Third Item
HTML Ordered List
An ordered list created using the <ol> element, and each list item starts with the <li> element. The list items in an ordered list are marked with numbers.
Values | Description |
type="1" | List item with number (default) |
type="A" | List item with uppercase |
type="a" | List item with lowercase |
type="I" | List item with upper roman |
type="i" | List item with lower roman |
type="none" | No list item |
<ol type="1"> <li>First Item</li> <li>Second Item</li> <li>Third Item</li> </ol>Try it Yourself
- First Item
- Second Item
- Third Item
HTML Ordered List - Start Attribute
The numbering of items in an ordered list typically starts with 1. However, if you want to change that you can use the start attribute.
<ol type="A" start="11"> <li>First Item</li> <li>Second Item</li> <li>Third Item</li> </ol>Try it Yourself
- First Item
- Second Item
- Third Item
HTML Description List
A description list is a list of items with a description or definition of each item. The <dl> tag defines the description list, the <dt> tag defines the term (name), and the <dd> tag describes each term:
<dl> <dt>HTML</dt> <dd>Hyper Text Markup Language</dd> <dt>CSS</dt> <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd> </dl>Try it Yourself
- Hyper Text Markup Language
- Cascading Style Sheets
HTML Nested List
<ol type="1"> <li>Programming</li> <ul type="disc"> <li>Javascript</li> <li>Java</li> <li>PHP</li> <li>Python</li> </ul> <li>Web Development</li> <ul type="disc"> <li>HTML</li> <li>CSS</li> <li>Bootstrap</li> <li>MySQL</li> </ul> </ol>Try it Yourself
- Programming
- Javascript
- Java
- Python
- Web Development
- Bootstrap