C Program to Create Simple Calculator using Switch
In this program, we are getting operator and two numbers as input from the user. Then,it performs the calculation of the two values depending upon the given operator.
Example : pgm.c
#include<stdio.h> void main() { char ch; int a,b; printf("Enter an Operator ( + - * / ) : "); scanf("%c",&ch); printf("Enter First Value : "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("Enter Second Value : "); scanf("%d",&b); switch(ch) { case '+': printf("%d + %d = %d",a,b,(a+b)); break; case '-': printf("%d - %d = %d",a,b,(a-b)); break; case '*': printf("%d * %d = %d",a,b,(a*b)); break; case '/': printf("%d / %d = %d",a,b,(a/b)); break; default: printf("%c is not correct",ch); break; }
Enter an operator (+,-,*,/) : +
Enter First Value : 69
Enter Second Value : 36
69 + 36 = 105
Enter First Value : 69
Enter Second Value : 36
69 + 36 = 105